6. SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai
SPJIMR runs some its innovative initiatives and programmes through centres of excellence. These centres are mandated to grow the existing initiatives, explore newer opportunities in their respective areas, drive innovation in teaching and learning and to reach out to various sections of society, notably sections that are usually not served by modern day B-Schools. Over the years, the centres have been able to expand the reach of SPJIMR and help drive the SPJIMR mission of influencing practice and promoting value-based growth. The centres typically are lean teams noted for their superior execution skills and advanced knowledge of current practice in their respective areas. It is because of the efforts of these centres that the SPJIMR campus plays host to a wide and diverse range of participants – from entrepreneurs to NGOs to family businesses of varying scales and size.
Below please find the centres of excellence at SPJIMR:
Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED)
- Start Your Business (SYB)
- Grow Your Business (GYB)
- Start-Up Incubation Centre
Start Your Business (SYB) Programme is an entrepreneurial education programme that serves the needs of budding entrepreneurs who are keen to start a sustainable business. This programme assists participants in acquiring the knowledge, skills and attitude for realising their dream of becoming successful entrepreneurs. During the course of the programme, participants get an opportunity to network with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, marketers, service providers and others from the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Entrepreneurs in the early stages of setting up their venture will also find this programme very useful for writing their business plan. The Start Your Business Programme can also help graduating students to get a head start in a new business venture.
7. XLRI, Jamshedpur
Xavier Labour Relations Institute, widely known as XLRI was born out of the vision of a Jesuit Priest, Father Quinn Enright. It was founded in 1949 in the Steel city of Jamshedpur. Since then the Jamshedpur Jesuit Society has nurtured the growth of XLRI in keeping with its commitment to “Magis” (excellence in everything).
The Entrepreneurship Development Centre (EDC) of XLRI, Jamshedpur has launched a 6-month Post Graduate Programme for Certificate in Entrepreneurship Management (PGP-CEM) effective from March 2010. The salient features of the programme are indicated below.
PGP-CEM has been designed to provide competency-based education to the eligible candidates with a view to promoting entrepreneurship in Jharkhand and rest of the country. The programme will be pursued in such a manner as to encourage critical and lateral thinking and integrate theory with practice. The ultimate objective will be (a) to create effective and successful entrepreneurs out of those who have no exposure to this vocation, but have an inclination and desire to turn into such entities, and (b) to enhance the skills of those who are currently functioning as such.
The curriculum has been designed carefully in order to ensure that courses included in this programme will contain not only the usual inputs on functional areas of business like finance, marketing, strategy and human resource (HR) etc., but also fields of specific interest in the context of entrepreneurial development in India like women entrepreneurship, family business, agripreneurship and social enterprises.
The curriculum consists of three different categories of courses-the ones of foundational nature, the ones which are intended to enhance the entrepreneurial skills and those which impart an integrative approach to business.
8. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, Odisha
IED Odisha was established in the year 1987 with the objective to inculcate the value of entrepreneurship in the educated unemployed youth in the state and to motivate them to enter into self-employment. Since its inception the institute has trained more than (1.2 Lakhs entrepreneurs) in various fields with success rate 30%. Over the year the institute has diversified its activity in order to provide support, facilities to prospective and existing facilities to entrepreneur.
The institute have set up intellectual property facilitation centre since August, 2017 in order to promote IPR awareness as well as provide hand holding support to MSMES/STARTUP for patenting their products. The livelihood business instructor (LBI) on food processing set up in the institution premises since August, 2017 has been providing hands-on training to prospective entrepreneurs on food processing Machines and providing productions facilities to the trainees /incubates till they are enabled to set up their own units .The Institute has been declared as a Nodal Agency under SFURTI scheme of Ministry of MSME ,New Delhi since 2016 and assisting up gradation of skill and technology in handloom and handicraft clusters with the help of implementing and technical agencies.
The institute has been running an Integrated Masters in Business Administration course (IMBA)/BBA which focus on entrepreneurship since 2009 development to orient young boys and girls to take up entrepreneurship as a career. The institute has been declared as the start-up secretariat of Govt of Odisha to implement Odisha Startup policy. Thus the objective is to enable the institute to walk as a national pace setter in entrepreneurship educations, consultancy and research and development in areas relating to entrepreneurship promotions.
Entrepreneurship Development Programmes on Food Processing:
The institute conducts Entrepreneurship Development Programmes on Food Processing industries all over the state. The programmes were sponsored by Govt of India and Govt of Odisha. The Training Involves practical knowledge on pickles, jelly, Jam, Badi, Papad, RTS (Ready To Serve) drinks etc.
Product Based EDP for Scheduled Tribe Candidates
The institute conducts Entrepreneurship Development Programmes on repairing of mobile phones, DVD,TV, Phenyl, Readymade garments, Basic computer knowledge, Inscense stick making (Dhupa Kathi), Cutting and stitching, Bamboo works, Coir products, applique works,, Wood carving, Soft toys making etc.
EDP on Coir Products
The institute conducts short term Entrepreneurship Development Programmes on Coir products such as ropes, mats , wall hangings, Toys etc. The training gives emphasis on new technology, marketing support, and new product design using computer for better quality and marketable products.