How to develop and grow a well-armed marketing team is of the essence for any developing or small company. Creating and running a sustainable marketing team could be one of the greatest challenges that any small business would face. You need to increase your personnel given your increasing customer base or while venturing into new market opportunities. Managing the twin priorities of considering the customer first with a priority to protect and buckle up the internal talent is a huge juggle that requires a lot of talent and patience. Often…
Day: 16 July 2020
Jumpstarting your Business and Conquer
We have seen one the worst ‘pandemic’ of the century. One invisible virus has wreaked the entire world to a standstill. This has brought the entire activities, operations, and commerce to a pause mode. Slowly things are opening up and all of us are in the revival mode. The covid-19 pandemic has left its impact on all sectors of the economy but the most impacted are MSMEs of India. MSME’s have been the backbone of our economy with estimated 6.34 crores MSME’s, employing work force of 11 crores. MSME’s…
9 Sales Tools Every Small Business Must Have
Running a business has never been a child’s play but the evolving technology and growing reach of the internet and virtual world has made it more complex. It’s equally true that every successful business has a common objective and mindset. They must be well structured, fast and scalable. They have to be competitive, hungry to grow and eager to learn. It’s particularly true for startups and small businesses that focus on B2B sales. But achieving success in business without relying on certain sales tools is not possible. Here are some…
Supply Chain Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Every organizational system, big or small, aims to control operations and execute projects in the most effective and efficient manner. Supply chain management is the apt system to integrate and connect a product’s workflow, right from acquiring raw materials to production and then distributing the products to customers in a highly systematic and streamlined manner. By implementing this system, businesses can earn good profits as well as lower losses and business failure risks. A supply chain management system is an integration of three main phases: Supply – process of procuring…
Is Cloud Technology the future of Business – Post COVID-19?
There have been many changes that have occurred during these past days due to the lockdown. It adversely affected every individual, family, and business. The only remedy that people are resorting to is leveraging the facility of online learning, business, and working. Hence all those businesses that have made the profit during this crisis are already online and many enterprises are still striving to establish themselves on the internet ecosystem for future sustainability. What makes the online business successful and running is the contribution of high-end and evolving technologies.…
Top 5 Business Revival Hacks Post-COVID-19
Although many people may be worried right now about the gravity of the business and stock market situation and think that it may take a long time for the world to recover from such a loss, it is not however an impossible situation to overcome. There can be learning through the lockdown and important business lessons can be learned from the crisis as well so that we can be prepared for such future pandemics/disasters. Below are some of the tips that each SME/MSME needs to practice to thrive through the…
Six Top Ways to stay Agile and Relevant in 2020 Post COVID-19
What next? This is a recurring question in everyone’s mind now that they are no longer housebound, and offices have opened doors again. People are wondering what they must do to go back to their normal routines before Mid-March and execute the plans in place then. Most brands and other teams that drive business are wondering how to adjust and respond during these unusual times. The uncertainty of the situation COVID19 has created makes it difficult to move and know how to best keep a balance between the most crucial,…
Women Entrepreneur
10 Mistakes Business Women must avoid for Successful Business In recent years, women-owned businesses have generated very little revenue in comparison to their male counterparts. Have you ever through what is coming in their way when it comes to conceptualizing business ideas that make bank? Here are the 10 grave mistakes that often get in their way: 1. Not hiring Sufficient Support Most women avoid delegating their responsibilities fearing imperfection. Even they know they’re stressed out, many women do not delegate their work to others. Moreover, they don’t want to…
Try these 8 Digital Marketing Plans to get over the COVID 2019 Crisis this year
Aren’t we all a part of history right now? The COVID-19 contagion has affected every industry and you can be sure it will change everything from the way people go shopping to how they mingle with each other. With over 227,000 coronavirus cases in India, the COVID 2019 outbreak and lockdown is affecting everyone. Events like businesses forced to close their doors, layoffs, salary cuts, no sales, increase in unemployment, and stock market crashes are happening not just in India but all over the world. With governments asking people to…