The internet has now become an inseparable part of every people and business. But every time a person (employee in general) opens any web browser, they potentially expose their organization to unknown threats and different types of malware, ranging from phishing threats to ransomware to Trojans and much more.
It is, therefore, necessary for every organization to deploy a robust and stringent security system to combat such threats. This is where Browser Isolation comes into play. It plays a crucial role, as with it you can separate your web browsing activities from its infrastructure and local network. This protects your networks and endpoints from known as well as unknown variants of threats.
All about Browser Isolation
It is a new web security system that is more into separating the risks than denying access to them. It is a cybersecurity model which is used to isolate the browsing activity of an internet user physically away from the local machine. It supports remote browsing platforms. It is also termed as Web Isolation. This isolation might occur on the computer, locally, or maybe on a server, remotely. It protects users and organizations from the threats of the web and enables them to complete their work without any obstacles or drawbacks.
How Browser Isolation functions
It protects your computer or network from web-based dangers by performing the entire browsing activity in a virtual isolated environment. All the possible threats are controlled in this environment and thus, cannot penetrate any single part of the user’s ecosphere like the hard-drive of their computer or other similar devices. It automatically destroys the browsing ecosphere at the end of every browsing session. Now, if any user will come across anything spiteful it will get wiped away by the end of the session. When the user again gets connected to the reliable virtual browser, he/she gets a new, clean image free of all sorts of exploits.
Let’s take a quick look at how remote browser isolation (the isolation in which virtualization happens on a remote server) functions:
•A user tries to enter a potentially spiteful webpage.
•The user’s request to access is judged against the defined policies. Now, if there happens to be a match, the platform by default creates an isolated browser session.
•The platform further gets the webpage connected and loads content accordingly onto the remote isolated browser.
•The furnished web content, is finally, drifted to the end user’s native browser.
Core Security Features
Now let’s have a closer look at how this Browser Isolation can protect your business with its effective and useful features:
1. Secure Access to Web Contents
It isolates the users from the web apps and delivers a safe supply of web content without the requirement of an endpoint agent on each device.
2. Removal of Data Exfiltration
It removes the potential of a webpage to eliminate data or settle a user’s machine no matter if the browser is vulnerable or outdated.
3. Protects Against Phishing Emails and Malicious Downloads
With Browser Isolation, all the web-based are rendered non-dangerous in a remote server. Also, it enables the administrators to finely control the files which are permitted to be downloaded and these permitted downloads are scanned to avoid threats.
4. Protects Against Fake Websites
The users are protected from all sorts of malicious websites because of the absence of the local code execution on the user’s computer.
5. Protects Sensitive Data
It protects the users and the executives from the chosen attacks hidden within the web pages, vulnerable plug-ins, and downloadable web content.
6. Saves Cost to Fix Web-Viruses
The consequences of a malware infection might be severe and can require quite a good amount of money as well as time to fix. Web browsing protects the user’s network entirely from web-based malware.
The advantages of Browser Isolation in today’s digital world in which people spend most of their time on the internet, which is imperative, are many. It is the zero trust-based response to controlling many of today’s most serious security threats. Better to implement the strongest safety layer within your business and make the best of the most advanced technology available to combat such a threat. Do not forget awareness of such threats are equally important for businesses and employees to put the best fight against such cyber-attacks.