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Neetu Vijoy Bansal
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Neetu V Bansal

Ms. Bansal is a serial entrepreneur, a speaker, an author and an international business coach/mentor She works with small and medium businesses, startups and early-stage organizations helping them generate more leads, close more sales and ultimately earn more revenues and profits. She is passionate about applying Customer Perspectives in business and propagates this framework to solve SMarketing challenges. With 30+ years as a business owner, a corporate marketing professional, and an alumni of Harvard Business School Online, she offers E-Learning programs, Sounding Board, Group Coaching, One-to-One Business Mentoring and Entrepreneurship Coaching, to suit the different learning styles of business owners. She emphasizes on application of knowledge during all her interventions. She is currently mentoring businesses across India, the Middle East and the United States in their sales and marketing journeys.
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