Even after strongly steering across the professional journey, MSMEs still face multiple challenges. The economic climate in India is still sluggish, and the government’s policies are not enabling them to compete successfully in the global market. Among these challenges are the lack of finance, poor access to credit, and inefficient distribution of tasks. As a result, most of the MSMEs…


As the economy slows and trade slackens, MSMEs need to focus on restructuring strategies. To do this, they should embrace technology to foster with time. Developing this capability will help them deal with economic burdens, supply chain disruptions, and more. By taking advantage of technology, MSMEs can enhance their competitiveness and adapt quickly to new challenges. This article will highlight…


Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) constitute an integral component of any economy. A resilient MSMEs sector is a catalyst for stimulating innovation, sustainable economic growth, domestic demand and inclusive growth in an economy. In the Indian economy, MSMEs are essential for development as they create jobs across different industries, improve value-added and influence trade; these invaluable contributions are central…

What Your Estate and Trust Plans Say About Your Family Legacy

As successful business owners, you understand that carefully crafted estate and trust plans provide the tools for families to safeguard assets and protect their financial security. But these plans can also ultimately help families create their legacies. How can you have confidence that the planning strategies used in estate and trust plans, as well as the fiduciary appointments made to…

De-Risk Your Business, by Listening to Your Customers

A successful business is not solely dependent on the products or services you have to sell. Rather it is a complex mix of your products, your marketing, and ultimately your customer experience. But how can you improvise your products, built constructive marketing strategies, and better your CX at the same time? It’s simple really! Listening to your customers has more…

Intellectual Property Rights, Critical For The Success Of Startups

When entrepreneurs begin on their unique business idea, they do not doubt that their idea would be a commercial success in the market; their main focus is initially to start giving the appearance to the venture. In the middle of so many different things that go into starting and building a startup from a single idea, the word “Intellectual Property”…