Founder & CEO, Potential Solutions
With over 36 years of wide ranging experience in field of Accounts, Inventory, Statutory and Training, Pugal is associated with Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd for the past 15 years as senior consultant and has shouldered various responsibilities in the organization. Heading various functions like Tally’s Education Division, Head of Compliance in R&D, Head – Product Management Audit Tool and conducted over 100 ICAI chapter events across India.
From July 2016 was entrusted with responsibility of GST knowledge base and dissemination of knowledge and impart training on the GST domain as ‘Head – Centre of Excellence – GST’.
During this stint have conducted over 200 GST domain sessions for various stakeholders like, Chartered Accountants, Tax Practitioner, Tally’s partner Eco-system and Customers. Conducted ‘Faculty Development Programs’ for College professors and faculty across India.
Prior to Tally, Pugal over the years, has successfully represented clients on Sales Tax and Income Tax cases and assessment. His manual Accounting and Finalization was core strength.
Pugal has handled Audit functions for over 10 years covering spectrum of businesses in Trading, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Professional, Services, Entertainment and Non-profit organizations.
Pugal continues to be associated with Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd as Consultant handling specialization of GST domain and Product knowledge enhancement.