Join Us Today: International MSME Day Webinar on “Transforming MSMEs for a Sustainable Future – Embracing the Circular Economy with a Human-Centered

Join us today, June 27, 2024, at 3:45 PM for a pivotal webinar celebrating International MSME Day. This year’s theme, “Embracing the Circular Economy with a Human-Centered Approach,” underscores the transformative role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in advancing sustainable development.

The circular economy, a model replacing the traditional linear “take-make-waste” paradigm, emphasises continuous resource utilisation, waste elimination, and socio-economic development. Central to this model is a human-centered approach that places individuals and communities at the forefront of sustainable transformation. By considering people’s well-being and fostering inclusive participation, the circular economy aligns with local cultures and institutional needs, driving meaningful change.

Learn from our expert speakers:

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We look forward to your participation and a fruitful discussion.


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