Measuring ROI On Digital Transformation

The capacity to determine digital transformation’s return on investment (ROI) might be difficult for transformation businesses. Because client interactions cannot be quantified using traditional methods, no single statistic can be used to assess digital transformation. They must notice and consider the advances in customer service, business processes, and workflow. With an expectation of increased revenue and new value creation, it’s…

Influencer Collaboration App Launched by Zefmo

Zefmo Media Pvt. Ltd. (Zefmo), the foremost influencer marketing platform in the industry, has launched a mobile app exclusively for influencers to collaborate with brands. Over the years, Zefmo has enabled monetization avenues for the influencer community across India and the world. In continuation of its drive towards AI-Driven technology platforms, the new app will intuitively connect with over 150,000…

Getting Started with Digital Transformation

In the face of a pandemic and unstable economy, businesses have turned to digital transformation for rescue. From reducing operational costs to surviving the digital world, the shift gives the flexible push organizations are in dire need of. Most organizations that kick-started their digital transformation journey have indicated huge success, sometimes exceeding their expectations. This has urged other companies and…

What Drives Digital Transformation?

Digital transformation has changed every aspect of a business. From the way communication takes place to different delivery methods, the transformation has rebuilt organizations across different industries. The rapid growth of technology coupled with evolving consumer behaviors and workplace demands has accelerated this shift. In what is now called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, businesses are reimagining their goals and plans.…

Covid-19 Pandemic and the Speedup of Digital Transformation

Covid19 pandemic changed the business world in the blink of an eye. Today’s digital transformation would have taken several years to progress if not for the pandemic and related restrictions. The need for a rapid shift during the pandemic debunked different myths of digital transformation. Technology had cemented a firm place in the business arena even before the pandemic. Every…

Benefits of Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is the infusion of digital technologies into business. It alters the way a company functions. For companies to stay ahead in the competitive curve, making a smooth digital transformation is crucial. This transformation based on the developing technologies re-imagine businesses from their very roots. With a shift in culture and efficient leadership, digital transformation accelerates workflows and strengthens…

The Union Budget 2022 – What’s in for MSMEs & Startups

The most awaited announcement of 2022 is here now. This year, the budget has a strong focus on the MSMEs. It puts considerable emphasis on almost every industry and digitization in the nation. The pandemic has been a situation full of complexities for everyone. Startups and MSMEs have also suffered a lot. Furthermore, the OMICRON variant acted as the fuel…

Pillars of Digital Transformations

COVID-19-driven significant impact, digital transformation appears to have become the most common word on every executive’s mind. Some feel that strategy focuses on keeping the firm and its employees safe during a crisis. Organizations now have the chance to fine-tune, reconsider, or rewrite their approach to align them with their long-term objectives better. There are several debates on defining what…

Digital Transformation: The Change That Matters

Digital Transformation is a word that everyone has gotten used to. In the past few years, it has evolved from a relatively new term to a process the whole world has adopted. The change was driven by technology and augmented by the pandemic crisis. What is digital transformation? Digital is an umbrella term that refers to different things. Digital transformation…

Indian Economy Outlook in 2022

Post pandemic the recovery worldwide has been pushing the inflation index upwards which as a consequence has raised speculations about the monetary policy stance of developed nations. Even before the pandemic happened developed nations opted for low level of interest rates and after the pandemic, there is an increased liquidity injection to stimulate the economy which has led to all-time…