Is Cloud Technology the future of Business – Post COVID-19?

There have been many changes that have occurred during these past days due to the lockdown. It adversely affected every individual, family, and business. The only remedy that people are resorting to is leveraging the facility of online learning, business, and working. Hence all those businesses that have made the profit during this crisis are already online and many enterprises are still striving to establish themselves on the internet ecosystem for future sustainability.  

What makes the online business successful and running is the contribution of high-end and evolving technologies. The most updated one is cloud technology which is stepping up its game and transforming the future business plan to an urgent business plan for all.

Let’s have a closer look at how cloud technology is helping organizations and letting them operate remotely without any hassle. Believe it or not, cloud technology is the future of all business especially considering COVID-19 which is going to stay here for a long time.

How Cloud Technology has become the savior of enterprises during the COVID-19 crisis?

Front line Support

In these pandemic times, cloud technology has been a game-changer for health and emergency management bodies, government infrastructure, first responders, and many more. These organizations have been taking full control and use of this technology by keeping everyone connected through these COVID-19 times and also power algorithms to help the residents of the world through specific healthcare-driven applications.

Safer Workplaces

Due to its portability and remote use, there has been no need for physical data centers in these times. The information can be accessed remotely from any time and anywhere. There is no need for IT administrators to be physically present. They can set up and check the servers constantly from anywhere, anymore. It not only keep people safe but also without any absenteeism from work. They all can work safely from home and businesses can functions as usual without the physical presence of employees.

Remote Work Revolution

Before COVI-19, there was only an impeding amount of businesses running in remote work policy. However, after COVID-19 many more businesses stepped up and wanted the same solution for their employees and businesses to stay competitive and in the business. Hence, remote work has become a trend now which is not going to change anytime soon.

Also, employees can access a ton of critical data and applications remotely due to the Azure-enabled Windows Virtual Desktop environments from any corner of the world without being in the office. Newer and more unique configurations can be added by the IT administrators and this is also a quick way to gain access to information for the remote business.

Integration of Cloud technology as the face of future businesses

Quick recovery and instilling a disaster-proof strategy

Due to the remote nature of cloud technology and the adaptability to the market and customer demands, it gives the businesses a competitive advantage over the other businesses due to sales and retail. This technology can also be used to weather future disasters.

Innovative and Disruptive Technology

Due to the spread of cloud technology like wildfire in the times of the coronavirus, it’s encouraging new opportunities and ambitions thus revolutionizing the digital era businesses. Innovative and disruptive technology and tools are gaining traction. Agile technology will soon take over the technological advancement of the business world because they are the best innovators to rely on. This revolution is empowering disruptive businesses.

Although it may seem like a cultural shift it’s an important factor to make this change possible. It has encouraged people of the world to accept and flow with the change adapting the disruption and keep moving on.

Distant Work is the New Normal

If the survey of Gartner is to be considered, nearly 75% of management teams of different businesses intend to switch from on-site staff to remote employees. This is the best and most startling impact that is visible post-COVID-19. Enterprises have accepted that telecommuters are as good as on-site employees while reducing overhead expenses.

It has also proved that those who work remotely are happier and stay with a company longer than the ones who are on-site and deal with a lot of stress daily. This is because by staying home these employees can focus better and manage work-life balance more proficiently than on-site employees.

Due to the presence of the remote workforce that occupies a much less real estate footprint than the on-site workforce, businesses have been trying to transform themselves into the ultimate digital environment and started modernizing applications so that they can operate only through the cloud.

A New Road ahead for Business Continuity Plans

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, many businesses have been reworking on their continuity and strategy to endorse more and more products remotely. This strategy has made online businesses very successful in these past few months. Due to this small ignition of effort, the ecosystem of online business will go through a major paradigm shift in how businesses handle their workforce and strategies.

In the future, business continuity plans will make the best use of cloud technology and make a remote access database and scale them largely into the remote workforce whenever needed. Many skilled USA-based management service partners should be in collaboration with SME and MSME businesses that have increased IT operational workload so that immediate business can be satisfied.


Considering the above paradigm shift in enterprise and workforce it’s quite obvious that this pandemic has affected the overall functioning of enterprises. It not only has changed the way the future workplaces would look like but has also compelled enterprises to redefine their business expansion and employee retention plans.

-Mamta Sharma

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