MSME National Tech Conclave Concluded Successfully

The MSME National Tech Conclave has recently been concluded successfully on 2 March,’23, Bangalore, in presence of industry veterans, and thought leaders. Conceptualized and organised by MSME DFO, Bangalore. The conclave witnessed participation from over 35 industry segments along with more than 130 delegates.

MSME National Tech Conclave was Co-organised by Small Enterprise India supported by Tally Solutions Pvt Ltd as a Technology partner, and Equitas Small Finance Bank as Associate Partner, the unique Tech forum brought together all the stakeholders across the industry on one platform to deliberate on trends, areas of growth and innovation, and the future course of action to revive and thrive in the post-COVID times.

The conclave kick-started with a keynote address by R.Gopinath Rao , Dy. Director, MSME DFO, Bengaluru, who shared his thoughts on how technology can leverage MSMEs and later presented MSME schemes that can propel the growth of MSMEs through various GOI opportunities.

Further, the day was replete with a power-packed agenda distributed over Ten different sessions on various topics such as Growing and Managing Your Business online by Neetu V Bansal, International Speaker & Business Coach, Technology for Efficient Management of Your Business by Pugal Thyagarajan, Sr.Consultant at tally Solutions, Cybersecurity Tech by Santhosh Tuppad, International Speaker & Cyber Security Expert, Fintech & Beyond-The Way Forward by Manmeet Singh, Sr Director at Cashfree and How Big Data can Help your Business Growth by Afros Rahman, Big Data Analyst, AI, CyberSecurity & Fintech Expert.

A Panel Discussion was conducted on the topic “Embrace Emerging Technologies & Reshape Your Business“, moderated by Neetu V Bansal, with active participation from the delegates.

Celebrating the best in Indian MSME tech and the allied industries, the entire fraternity joined hands in an awesome knowledge-sharing session to learn about opportunities in the industry so far and keep the businesses going in the difficult times of the pandemic. 

The event concluded with a closing note by Mr. P. Venkatachalam, Asst. Director, MSME DFO, Bangalore.

Furthermore, the event was a success in terms of incorporating advanced technology into MSME business practice and assisting them in understanding emerging technologies and application modalities. The event witnessed the gathering of various industry professionals from different sectors.

Welcome Address by Dojo Jose, Founder & CEO, Aspire AEONIAN LLP
Neetu V Bansal presenting “Growing and Managing Your Business online”
Gopinath Rao. Dy.Director MSME DFO, Bengaluru, presenting “The Road Ahead for MSMEs – Govt. Scheme”
Pugal.T, Sr.Consultant, Tally Solutions, presenting ” Technology for Efficient Management of Your Business”
Santhosh Tuppad, Presenting “Cybersecurity Tech”
Manmeet Singh, presenting ” Fintech & Beyond – The Way Forward”
Afros Rahman, Presenting “How Big Data Can Help Your Business Growth”
Neetu V Bansal Moderating the Panel Discussion on “Embrace Emerging Technologies & Reshape Your Business”

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