5 Causes Women in Ecommerce Should Stand for Each Other

Female entrepreneurs are continuously making their space in the world of business by accepting new challenges each day and are achieving great success. As per the non-profit corporation Catalyst, females hold at most 6 percent of CEO posts in the S&P 500.

However, that percentage bounces considerably when we look at eCommerce, as Amazon data firm Jungle Scout reports that 32 percent of the sellers are females. Yet even this data discloses a gender gap in business.

Females have hurdles that are different from their male equivalents while managing an eCommerce business. And getting the proper support is usually the chief factor one requires to achieve success.

As you expand your eCommerce business, you will need expert mentorship and support inevitably in an encouraging environment. To have a group devoted to females in eCommerce is an ideal place to begin the journey to success.

Given below is a list of the top 5 reasons why females in eCommerce can gain from like-minded entrepreneurs: 

1. They Appreciate and Guide you

Nothing can be compared to the support one receives from a person who truly comprehends where you come from. Networking in a domain geared towards females means your counterparts possess the tips and tricks to guide the eCommerce business.

It also offers you access to people who can understand the meaning of balancing work and life liabilities. They are aware of what it is like to manage staff meetings, product development, and inventory control along with sick children and a never-ending heap of laundry.

An environment devoted to females in eCommerce allows communicating with like-minded females who share comparable challenges. Whether you require to vent about exhausting inventory to a missed detailing, they can understand and are in a position to offer guidance that bears on to your unique condition. 

2. You Possess a Go-to Expert

Perhaps you are introducing the latest brand or product and you wish to seek others’ opinions. It is possible that you have hit a barricade and you are unable to understand which direction to go. What can be a better way of bringing your aims to fruition than by possessing your own expert for ideas? 

A group of successful, dedicated females can just be the catapult you require to launch your upcoming project. Getting truthful feedback from females who know the way of building success in today’s digital world will provide you with confidence while increasing revenue prospects. You never know — one conversation might guide to crores in the bank. 

3. You find a Guide that Associates with you

Mentors guide us conquer roadblocks both professionally and mentally by helping us in the decision-making procedure. They are someone who has so far hurdled the barriers we may have, and they possess the strategies and skills to help us in overcoming them.

Great business guides may put a price of thousands upon thousands of dollars that most eCommerce entrepreneurs cannot afford. Getting a mentor who is not just aligning you with your vision, but also understanding your business style might be difficult. Uniting with an entrepreneurial group of females will grant you access to guides at a fraction of the price. Now, these mentors will aid you in staying accountable and taking your business to next level. 

4. Your Net Worth and Network will Grow

As per a LinkedIn survey, around 80 percent of entrepreneurs know that the key to a successful career is networking. Investing and fostering your connections need to have equal primacy to the investment you are making in your business. 

By developing your environment around other females, you can unseal the hidden strength of wealth by shared plans, tools, and concealed secrets. This network might be the most essential resource in your business portfolio and would permit your business to flourish. 

5. You can Discover and Distribute your Power

As per a Deloitte report, females in the boardroom have just 12 percent of chairs. You can visualize how this environment prevents females from helping each other in the corporate sector.

However, being a woman in eCommerce, you happen to be your boardroom. You should not feel like there is a restricted number of chairs available or that some other woman may take your chair.

In lieu, you can expand your business considerably by surrounding yourself with females who are specialists in their fields, are sincere leaders, and who display their power every day. There is no contest at the table for the seat as you are selecting your board members. This permits you to grow in confidence and skill without any hurdles.  

Even if you wish to develop your business solely, you will always gain from the support of agreeing individuals. Associating with other females will instruct you about the concealed rules to eCommerce and authorize you to support other women too.

The more relationships you cultivate and nurture in business, the more opportunities you have. Ensure that you are in a group with the right people, as your success is dependent on it.


These are the top 5 ways and reasons why a women entrepreneur can be a strong supporter, mentor and guide of other female business women. They can not only guide them through the rough waters of business but can also help them grow their own sustainable business in this Pandemic! So, women empowerment is in the air!

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